La Junta UMC
La Junta UMC

Incredi-Bells Handbell Choir

Under the direction of  Dr. James M. Lind, the talented members of the Incredi-Bells bring glorious music to the Sunday worship celebration!  The bell choir follows the tradition of the English Hand Bell choir.  The purpose of the Handbell Choir at The United Methodist Church of La Junta is to praise God through music, provide musical support to other ministries, provide Christian fellowship and support in a small group setting, and represent the church in community outreach.  


The Incredi-Bells rehearse on Wednesday afternoons 4:45 - 5:45 pm in the Sanctuary.


If you are interested in joining, you may reach James by calling the Church Office at (719) 384-7717.

At a Glance: 

Office Hours:

Tuesday 8 - 11 a.m.

Wednesday 8 - 11 a.m.

Thursday 8 - 11 a.m.

Call during these hours if you need to arrange another time to come in the office or to meet with the pastor. 


 Adult Studies:

We meet at 6 p.m. on Tuesdays and 11 a.m. on Wednesdays in the Fellowship Hall.


Monthly Potluck:

Join us on the First Sunday of every month for good food and good fellowship. 


Military Appreciation Breakfast

Third Saturday of the month, 8 a.m.:

Veterans and Active Military and their Significant Others, join us for a hearty breakfast as we share our appreciation for your service.


United Methodist Women Monthly Meeting:

Third Thursday of

every month.


United Methodist Men's Monthly Breakfast:

*Postponed Until Further Notice



Contact Us

La Junta United Methodist Church

601 San Juan Ave

La Junta, CO 81050


Phone: (719) 384-7717

E-mail: lajuntamethodist@

Facebook: La Junta United Methodist Church


Or use our contact form.

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